During their career Gardiner & Foenander have contributed to many successful planning applications for developments in the U.K. and Ireland. Working alongside planning consultants, architects and other design professionals we are used to judging the approach and level of information required to achieve a positive outcome for various types of project.
In our experience it usually reflects favourably on a scheme if a properly considered and coordinated landscape scheme is submitted alongside the architectural proposals. This is especially true if there are any sensitivities associated with the site, for example important views from the exterior or any ecological constraints. As well as genuinely adding value to the final scheme, submitting a landscape plan in advance can often help mitigate potential issues before they arise.
Some councils are now stipulating that only a ‘suitably qualified landscape architect’ can provide the proposals necessary for further information or to discharge certain landscape related planning conditions. Gardiner & Foenander are trained and qualified landscape architects and are able to interpret and deal with these types of requirements.
Gardiner & Foenander