From project to project, every site, client, budget and ‘garden wish-list’ varies, so our range of services has been developed to reflect this. From delivery of a full and immersive design experience, to the overseeing of works during construction, to simply helping a client plan their site at the most basic level, Gardiner & Foenander’s range of services are suitably flexible to meet your requirements. Outlined below are the most popular work stages we offer. These can be individually tailored or mixed and matched to form a suitable package for your project requirements.
After finding out what you and your family want from your site we think about which landscape types might be suitable for the project. We consider the proportions and configuration of these landscape types in relation to budget, maintenance and practical uses. We then illustrate each typology using precedent images and collate all of the information into a colourful and communicative presentation.
As well as forming a platform for our initial ideas, this stage really serves to inspire and get you excited about the possibilities.
How does it all fit together?
Using all of the information we’ve gathered – from your garden wishlist to the physical constraints of the site – we aim to develop a thoroughly considered design which works on a variety of levels: The proposals must be safe, functional, elegant and fit in with your budgetary expectations.
We go through sheets and sheets of tracing paper before we settle on a design but when we do we always hope our clients can see the thought that has gone into the resulting plan.
Which trees? Which plants? Which materials? Need a ‘recipe’ that tells you what you’ll need for your garden and then how to put it together?
Our ‘Knowhow’ documents are ideal for homeowners wishing to install some or all of the proposed landscape elements themselves.
The idea is that you can implement the scheme at your own pace and according to your available budget at any given time. Through your own hard graft, or by hiring in a professional contractor for some of the trickier parts, you can be confident that in the end you’ll have a well structured site consisting of properly considered and professionally specified landscape elements.
Planning to hire a landscape contractor to install the scheme?
For clients opting to have their scheme costed and installed by a professional landscape contractor, Gardiner & Foenander can produce the necessary package of tender information.
CAD drawings, planting palettes, material specifications, bills of quantities, landscape details etc. can all be produced and collated for quotation. We will liaise with the vendors following receipt of their quotes and then offer you our most insightful recommendations.
Having gained their experience in a commercial setting, Gardiner & Foenander are well versed in the preparation of tender drawings and the tendering process itself. If commissioned for this workstage we guarantee tenders will be run fairly and professionally.
Need reassurance from an impartial professional?
If you go down the route of hiring a landscape contractor, Gardiner & Foenander are available to oversee your installation and ensure that work is being carried out in accordance with the approved design and specification(s). We can check on the quality of workmanship, standard of materials and quality of plant stock, each time relaying our findings in a written report.
Please note that the contractual agreement for delivery of a scheme exists between the client and the contractor. At this stage Gardiner & Foenander serve purely as professional advisors to the client.